Tuesday, February 23, 2010

My Personal Platform

People are asking what my basic platform is, so I suppose it's time to put it in written form.
My political beliefs are somewhat Jeffersonian, which is why I have chosen to run for office. I believe in strong limits on the Federal Government as is spelled out in the Constitution of the United States. Five times in my life, I have taken oaths to abide by and protect this sacred God-given document.
I believe this is a Christian Nation, founded and blessed through Godly Principles. I will not apologize for my beliefs. You need not share them, but I fought in a war on foreign soil to defend our nation and our rights to believe as we deem appropriate.
I do not believe in excess taxation or deficit spending, especially Planned Deficit Spending.
I do not believe that the Federal Government has a right to dictate how our children are educated.
I believe in a strong national defense and strong family values. I am a teacher. It is my privilege to offer knowledge of subject matter dealing with law, protocol, justice and constitutional issues. It is not my role to instill basic values into students' belief systems.
I am a retired police officer. I learned through many years of community service, that guns do not kill people. People or animals kill people. Guns may be used, but if they are, they were probably not legally acquired. We don't need additional laws regulating away our rights.
I believe it is possible to quickly curtail much of our dependence on foreign energy sources.
I Do Not believe that judges have the right to MAKE Law. That is a Legislative privilege.
I KNOW that we must make changes in our current government. We are under a greater degree of government oppression than our founding fathers were under King George.
I know you may have other questions. Please invite me to answer them either in person or via email.

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